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Sentence of the Day

Radiology and Imaging Sciences

Clinical focus
Clinical equipment for radiology is “state-of-the-art”.  Such equipments include three CT Scanners, one of which is GE light speed 64 slice scanner with 3D rendering and CT angiographic capabilities.   Coronary imaging, CT perfusion are the added features done routinely.   The most important image guided procedures include unique biopsy of complex deep seated mediastinal / lung lesions and vertebral biopsies.  MRI facility houses a 1.5T Siemens Avanto and a 1.5T GE Signa HDX.  Advanced techniques are available such as MRA, functional imaging, Spectroscopy, cardiac and Fetal MR Imaging.
The department is equipped with 10 ultrasound scanners and the major work profiles include transabdominal sonogram, antenatal sonography, paediatric and neonatal sonography, neurosonography, mammosonography, musculoskeletal sonography, transvaginal/ transrectal ultrasound,  Sonography of small parts and Doppler sonography.  A number of invasive procedures like biopsy of liver, kidneys, mediastinal and retro-peritoneal lymphnodes, breast and muscul-oskeletal lesions are done under sonographic guidance. 

Clinical services provided: 
  • PACS
  • Nuclear medicine 
  • Doppler 
  • Xray and Sono mammography 
  • Digital mammogram 
  • Fluroscopy 
  • Digital Xrays 
  • Ultrasound 
  • MRI scan 
  • CT scan