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Kidney Transplant
About Kidney Transplantation?

Renal transplant or Kidney transplant, as it is commonly known, refers to the transfer of kidney from a healthy person to a patient whose kidneys have lost the capability of performing the essential process of filtration.

What are the two kinds of transplants?

Kidneys for transplant may come from a person who has died (a deceased donor), or from a healthy living person, like a family member or a friend who offers to donate a kidney (a living donor).

What are the benefits?

A successful kidney or renal transplant at Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre gives the patient a greater stamina, strength and energy and helps restores his or her life back to normal. This allows patients to stop dialysis, decrease their fluid and diet restrictions, and enjoy a much better quality of life.

Who is eligible for Kidney Transplant?

Patient who is identified with kidney or renal failure is eligible for kidney transplant. Stage 4 is the highest level (the near end-stage) of a kidney patient. Diabetic people whose average insulin requirement per day is more than 1 unit/kg of their body weight and obese people with a BMI of greater than 30 with renal complications are also eligible to undergo kidney transplantation.

Who cannot get a kidney transplant?

Many patients assume they are too old for transplant but if you are otherwise healthy, age is not a factor in determining your transplant eligibility. However, there are some other factors that prevent patients from getting a kidney transplant:

  • Current life expectancy of less than 5 years
  • Recent cancer (other than most skin cancers)
  • Uncorrectable heart disease
  • Untreatable psychiatric illness
  • Missing dialysis appointments or signing off the machine early
  • Active substance abuse (alcohol or drugs)
Local Legal Requirements

It's important that the donor and recipient understand the risks and benefits involved in kidney transplant. Our transplant coordinators advice them on the right procedures that are to be followed during the entire kidney transplant process.

What does it mean to be on a kidney transplant waiting list?

If kidney transplantation is the best option for you and you agree, your name will be placed on a national waiting list based on your blood type, body size (height and weight) and medical urgency. The awaiting period for the listed patients in SRMC is short.

How do you qualify for placement on the waiting list?

To qualify for placement on the kidney transplant waiting list, a potential recipient must be relatively healthy and not have cancer or infection. The patient also must be able to comply with treatment and medication requirements.

What is a perfect match kidney?

Usually, a perfect match is from a brother or sister, but sometimes it is from the national registry. The chance of getting a perfect match from a living-related brother or sister is much higher than from the national registry.

What are antibodies and how does rejection occur?

Antibodies are proteins your immune system makes when it comes into contact with something foreign to your body. When you get an infection, such as a cold or an infection from a wound, your body makes antibodies to fight that infection. Antibodies protect your body. When you have an organ transplant, your body reacts as it would to an infection. Thus, your antibodies try to destroy the organ. Some people have a lot of antibodies, and it is harder to find an organ match.

What is the recovery time after a kidney transplant? What kind of lifestyle changes do you need to make?

Two weeks after the surgery, you should start to feel much better, however, you need to take drugs to prevent rejection for the rest of your life. Beyond that, the only other lifestyle change we encourage is for transplant patients not to be involved in contact sports. We recommend that you stay active, avoid smoking and alcohol, and stick to a healthy diet.

Will I need dialysis after surgery?

Most transplant recipients do not need dialysis after surgery because their new kidney functions immediately or within a few days. In cases where kidney function is delayed, dialysis may be necessary until the organ begins working. Temporary dialysis after transplant tends to be more common when the kidney comes from a deceased donor.