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Sentence of the Day

Medical Surgical Nursing

Conferences organized by the department
International Nurses conferences organized:

Sl.No International Nurses conferences organized Theme Date
1 9th International Nurses Conference Nursing nucleus in the health care domain 7.01.13 to 9.01.13
2 10th International Nurses Conference Expedite nursing vision 6.01.14 to 8.01.14
3 11th International Nurses Conference The changing Nursing scenario: Newer treatment modalities and technology 5.01.15 to 7.01.15
4 12th International Nurses Conference Meeting Challenges: Transforming Nursing Care 5.01.16 to 6.01.16

Sl.No Name of the Event Title Year & Date Total number of participants
1 11th CNE Nursing Homeostasis 13 .7.2012 184
2 12th CNE Neurological Nursing Environment 12.7.2013 72
3 13th CNE Life after death - A reality 26.06.2014 86

1. SPSS workshop organized by Dr. B. Sreelekha, Secretary, PhD Society of India , October 2014 
2. Preceptorship workshop for clinical nurses during CNE 2015 
3. Disaster Management workshop in International Nurses Conference during January 2015 
4. Workshop on organ procurement during CNE on 19.09. 16 
5. Preceptorship training workshop for SRMC & SRH nurses on 07.10.16
6. Second state level workshop on 12th September 2017 with the theme “Test Construction and Item Writing”