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Sentence of the Day

Placement Cell


Considering the large number of students pursuing various courses from Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRMC & RI) (Deemed to be University), a Placement Cell has been constituted.

The Placement cell is headed by Deputy Director- Placement, who is assisted by Placement Coordinator and dedicated faculty representatives from all the faculties/departments across SRMC & RI

  • To provide equal employment opportunities for all the students.
  • To manage Centralized Placement activities for all courses.
  • To organize campus recruitment for the students with industries and various organizations of repute from all over India.
  • To prepare students for campus recruitment by arranging training in Aptitude tests, group discussions, preparing for Technical and HR interviews through professional trainers.
  • To promote career counselling by organizing guest speakers by senior corporate personnel and most importantly by the immediately placed senior students.
  • To enter into tie-up arrangements with Industries & Corporates of repute for Campus recruitment.