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Sentence of the Day

Psychiatric Nursing

HOD Profile

Ph.D in Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
25 Years of experience since highest degree
Research interest:
Psychological morbidity, quality of life, complementary therapies and oncology.

1.Gold coin for 10 years of service in SRU
2.Member in the Board of Studies of SRU
3.Visited and Presented papers titled “psychological impact on Tsunami attack” and “Psychiatry and psychiatric nursing in Indian scenario” in University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, U.S.A as part of the faculty exchange program in April 2007
4.Ad-Hoc inspector of Nursing by Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council and Indian Nursing Council
5.Member in editorial board of National and International journals
6.Contributory editor in Journal of psychiatric Nursing.
7.Examinership and question paper setter in various universities at India.
8.Published research and review articles in national and international journal.
9.Organized conference nation and international level, Workshop and continuing nursing education.
10.Prof.Dr.Santhi.S,co-investigator received “Beyond the Globe Award” for funded Research Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Boston Children Hospital on 4/1/2017 (US$15,000) 11.Visiting/Adjunct faculty Departmrnt of Mental Health Nursing , Saveetha college of Nursing, Chennai (2018)

1.Trained nurses association of India
2.Indian society for psychiatric nurses
3.Nursing Ph.D Society
Grants/ Patents :
Received ICMR grant Rs.40,000 to conduct national psychiatric nursing conference on 15.10.2016
Projects Funded (Exteranal/Internal):
1.“Beyond the Globe Award” for funded Research Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Boston Children Hospital on 4/1/2017 (US$15,000).
2.Gate project :Effectiveness on Logotherapy on Biopsychosocial outcome in patients in alchol dependence syndrome admitted in psychiatric ward(Rs. 70000).