Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Pharmacy
Established in 1993, this constituent college is a prestigious institution located in a multilevel building with well equipped research laboratories and draws research scholars from different parts of the nation. The college offers a 4 year professional degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.) which teaches pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics and chemistry of natural products as part of the course. Diploma holders in Pharmacy are admitted to the II year of the B.Pharm. degree course under Lateral Entry. The college also offers a 6-year Pharm. D. course and Pharm.D. (Post Baccalaureate) course for those with B.Pharm. qualification.
Most prominent in the course are hospital / clinical pharmacy, health management and research. State of the art equipment and up to date information on the latest drugs and therapies equip the students to practice anywhere in the world. The Undergraduate & Postgraduate degree programs are approved by All India Council for Technical Education and the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi.
- B.Pharm Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Pharm. D. Doctor of Pharmacy
Postgraduate Courses :
- M.Pharm Pharmacy Practice
- M.Pharm Pharmaceutics
- M.Pharm Quality Assurance
- M.Pharm Pharmacognosy
- M.Pharm Pharmacology
- M.Pharm Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Pharm. D. (Post Baccalaureate) Doctor of Pharmacy
- M.Pharm (Regulatory Affairs)
Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Pharmacy strives to emerge as a Global Centre of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Education, Research and Healthcare Services
To impart wholesome education that develops the skills and competencies to produce professionals par excellence for the Pharmaceutical industry, provide Pharmaceutical Healthcare Services of global standards and engage in research leading to development of cost-effective technologies.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- To impart knowledge, skills and attitude required to fulfil the Technical needs of Pharmaceutical industry
- Ability to provide assistance in the R&D areas of Pharmaceutical Health care needs of the society
- Production, formulation, research and quality analysis of medicines, Service to health care system by providing medicines & medication related counselling.
- Effective communication and team work skills
- Ethical practice of the profession
B.Pharmacy Program Outcomes (Pos)
- PO1: Demonstrate knowledge for in-depth analytical and critical thinking to identify, formulate and solve the issues related to Pharmaceutical Industry, Regulatory Agencies, Hospital Pharmacy & Community Pharmacy.
- PO2: Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
- PO3: Develop an ability to solve, analyze and interpret data generated from Formulation Development, Quality Control & Quality Assurance.
- PO4: Demonstrate skills to use modern pharmaceutical tools / software / equipments in drug discovery and development, analyze and solve problems in various sectors of Pharmacy profession.
- PO5: Assume managerial roles in conflict management and apply interpersonal skills in working together thereby lead and function both individually and as a member of a team.
- PO6: Appreciate and execute their professional roles in society as health care professionals, employers and employees in pharma industries, regulators, researchers, educators and managers.
- PO7: Adopt code of ethics in professional and social context and demonstrate exemplary professional, ethical and legal behaviors in decision making.
- PO8: Apply written and oral communication skills to communicate effectively in patient care industry, academia and research.
- PO9: Apply responsibilities to promote societal health and safety, upholding the trust given to the profession by the society.
- PO10: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- PO11: Develop skills, attitude and values required for self-directed, lifelong learning and professional development.
B.Pharmacy Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PSO1 To prepare graduates who have skill sets to work in manufacturing, marketing, hospital and IT Sectors
- PSO2: Development of graduates who follow ethical principles in professional and social context
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B.Pharmacy program is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), All India Council for Technical Education, (AICTE) New Delhi. -View Mandatory Disclosure as per AICTE Norms.
Faculty of Pharmacy ranked as No. 5 among the private Pharmacy Colleges across the country in May 2016 as per Career 360 magazine
The B.Pharm and M.Pharm programs are approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) New Delhi Pharm D and Pharm D Post Baccalaureate programs are approved by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi.
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