Clinical Nutrition
About the Department / Program
The Department of nutrition and dietetics was started as a part of the College of Allied Health sciences in the year 1988 and was rechristened as the Department of Clinical Nutrition in 1995. Nutrition awareness among people is increasing by the day and the department’s successful journey of 28 years stands testimony to that fact.
The goal of our department
To actively promote and preserve the higher values by education and training students in order to provide excellent support in health care services
To promote health care by way of providing appropriate medical nutrition therapy
To pursue research in the field of nutrition, by developing newer strategies for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
To meet demands of the dietetic profession, a Post Graduate Diploma course in Clinical Nutrition was started in the year 1997. Later, in the year 2007 a full-fledged 2-year Postgraduate course was introduced to train and equip in aspects of specialized diet therapy in a hospital set up. We also are a part of the multidisciplinary team in assessing the patients, identifying the individuals at risk and providing early nutritional intervention, which goes a long way in the recovery of the health of the individual.