Clinical Nutrition
Outreach and community activities
International women’s day:
The department celebrated International women’s day on 8th March 2012 at the new block OP. Food displeay using low cost recipes, chart on anaemia and osteoporosis and collage on the women’s day theme were organised.
World Breastfeeding Week:
As a part of the world breast feeding week celebration, the Department in coordination with the Department of Paediatrics and Faculty of nursing and conducted various events from 1st – 7th August,2012. Interactive session called “Nerukku ner” with Dr.A.J.Hemamalini, being one of the panellists as a nutrition expert. Queries were answered in a detailed fashion by experts like paediatrician, gynaecologist, nursing staff etc. Chart displays on the importance of breastfeeding, colostrum etc brought in good response from the lactating mothers. Lactating counselling center gave a talk on “Breast feeding issues”. The beneficiaries were undergraduates, postgraduates from nursing and nutrition department. A slogan competition for lactating mothers from postnatal and antenatal ward of G block, SRMC with the title of ‘Adhisiya Paanagam- Thaipal” was organised. An essay competition with the theme “ Breast feeding- a vital emergency response” was also conducted were in more than 200 participants showed their writing skills. A street play on the importance of breast feeding would be enacted by the post graduates of nutrition department. Mothers belonging to the community would be the beneficiaries. A quiz for assessing the knowledge of postnatal and antenatal women was also planned. A nutrition education was also planned with hand outs on the significance of breastfeeding.
National Nutrition Week:
The department celebrated National Nutrition Week from 1st – 7th of September 2012, 2013, 2014. Various programs for college students, teaching & non teaching staffs of the university and nutrition awareness in the community (National IT School, Kumanan Chavadi, LCVKS School, Kattupakam) and Nutrition puzzle for general public were conducted.
State level workshops were conducted on the themes like “Nutrition Awareness- Key to Healthy Nation”, “Food Security for Healthy Life”,”Poshak Ahar Desh Ka Adhar” in association with the Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India as a part of National Nutrition Week celebrations. Guest lectures on various topics in relevance to the theme were organized with eminent speakers.
“Tackling the problems of micronutrient malnutrition through effective intervention”, Speaker: Dr.P.Kugananthan, Health Officer, Public Health Department, Chennai City Corporation.
“Nutrition education for women for a healthy nation and lifestyle modification and healthy food habits”, Speaker: Dr.A.J.Hemamalini, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Clinical Nutrition, SRU.
“Prevention of Diet related chronic diseases” Speaker: Dr.Vijay Viswanathan, Head and Chief Diabetologist, M.V.Hospital for Diabetes, Chennai.
Food Security for Healthy Life, Speaker: Dr. Ramanarayanan, Ford Chair for Women and Food Security, M.S. Swaminathan Foundation, Chennai
Food Security – the triad, Speaker: Dr. A.J. Hemamalini, Head, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai.
Food Safety Issues as a Contributing Factor for Food Security, Speaker: Dr. M.S. Tara, Regional Director, National Institute of Pubic Cooperation and Child Development, Regional Center, Bangalore.
World Kidney Day:
The department actively took part in the activities organised by the department of Nephrology, at P.T.Thyagarayar auditorium, T.Nagar. The beneficiaries were patients on dialysis treatment and post kidney transplant and general public. The program was well appreciated by all the beneficiaries.
World food Day:
A Guest lecture on the topic “Single cell protein,Probiotics and nutarceuticals”, was conducted on 16th Oct 2012 for the students and faculties of our department and other department like Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Psychology and College of pharmacy.
Children’s day:
The department celebrated children’s day on 8th and 9th of November 2012 in our university campus in association with the Department of Paediatrics, nursing and Patient guest relations. Various activities like crossword puzzle, snap it up were conducted for the kids admitted at G Block and medical centre. Displays of posters specific to nutritional tips and feeding practices and distribution of healthy snacks were carried out.
World diabetic day:
The department celebrated world diabetic day on 14th Nov 2012 at the OP. Activities like display of “A day’s menu” specific for diabetes and posters on dietary management for diabetics were carried out. Questionnaire on food related FAQ’s pertaining to Diabetes was formulated, evaluated and discussed in an interactive session with the beneficiaries at the Out patient block.
The Department participated in the CHENNAI SCIENCE FESTIVAL 2015 on the theme “Food and Agriculture” from 26.01.2015 to 01.03.2015 at Queen Mary’s College. Models were prepared by the students on various life style modifications and diseases in each life cycle and exhibited.
Pamphlets were distributed on nutritional management in Diabetes, Anemia, Obesity and healthy eating in children. Games like crosswords puzzle were also conducted. School and college students were the beneficiaries and the exhibits were well appreciated.
Faculty Enrichment Program (FEP)
The department of clinical nutrition conducts Faculty Enrichment Program (FEP) biannually for the faculties of the department. The various topics discussed were
Role of faculty as Teacher, Trainer & Facilitator by Dr.Suhas Prabhakar, Professor of Opthalmology, SRIHER.
Role of faculty as examiner and evaluator by Dr.Rekha, Associate Dean of students, SRIHER.
Mentorship by Prof.Leena Dennis Joseph Professor of Pathology, SRIHER.
Visual Activity by Ms.V.Supriya, Lecturer, department of Clinical Nutrition, SRIHER.
Leadership by Prof.Balagopal, Professor of Pediatric surgery, SRIHER.
Teaching methodology – beyond teaching by Dr.J.JuliusXavier Scott, Professor of Pediatric, SRIHER.
"Quality indicators in evaluation” by Dr.D.Prathiba, Professor of Pathology, SRIHER.