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Sentence of the Day

Clinical Nutrition

Conferences organized by the department

Regional Symposium and Workshop was conducted by the department on the topic “Optimizing Nutrition Support in Pre and Post Operative Status: Principles and Paradigm” on 19th and 20th August 2016. A pre workshop was conducted on 19th. Quiz and case presentations were also conducted for the delegates. Around 200 delegates participated. The overall feedback was good.

The Department conducted Regional Symposium and Workshop on the 28.8.2015 and 29.8.2015 on the theme: Changing Dietetic practice in Renal Nutrition - An evidence based approach. A pre workshop was conducted on28th. Quiz and case presentations were also conducted on renal nutrition for the delegates. Around 190 delegates participated. The overall feedback was good.

The Department conducted Regional Symposium and Workshop on the 26.8.2014and 27.8.2014 on the theme: Fostering Eminence in Neonatal Nutrition. A pre workshop was conducted on26th. Quiz and case presentations were also conducted on renal nutrition for the delegates. Around 180 delegates participated. The overall feedback was good.


A Continued Medical education program was conducted by Department of General surgery and Clinical nutrition in collaboration with Abbott nutrition on 27.7.16. The topics discussed were as follows.
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) - Dr.Ramya, Professor, Department of General Surgery
Nutritional support in surgical patients – Dr.A.J.Hemamalini, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical nutrition
A Continued Medical education program on surgical nutrition was conducted in collaboration with Department of Surgery on 22nd September.
Dr.A.J.Hemamalini, Associate Professor and Head delivered a lecture on “Pre and Post Operative Nutrition”. The sessions were interactive and the feedback was good.
The Department of Clinical Nutrition conducted Continuing Nutrition Education on “Nutrition support in critically ill pediatric patients” on 24th June2015.

Guest lecture

“Role of nutritionists in hospitals” by Dr. Krishnan Sriram, Tele Intensivist, Advocate Health Care, Oakbrook, Illinois, USA, on 3.8.16.

“Role of Nutrition in hospitalized patients” Dr.Anand.V., MD, Regional Medical Affairs Manager on 8.8.16.

A lecture on “MNT in Diabetes” conducted by Dr.Anand.V., MD, Regional Medical Affairs Manager on 12.9.16.

A lecture on “Geriatric Nutrition” conducted by Dr.Anand.V., MD, Regional Medical Affairs Manager on 24.10.16.

“Practical issues in nutrition intervention in cancer patients” by Dr. Vanessa Fuchs-Tarlovsky, General hospital Mexico, Oncology and Clinical Nutrition service, Mexico on 17.8.16.

A lecture was given on 15th April 2016 by Dr.Kundhala Ravi on "Nutritional management in Diabetes" to the patients who visited the OP in view of world Health day.

A guest lecture was conducted by Ms. Sharmila Fresenius Company on “Enteral and Parentral Nutrition” on 25.02.16.

Guest Lecture on “Food Safety” was delivered by Dr.Usha Antony, Professor, Anna University in view of Dietetics day. Around 55 delegates attended the lecture.

A session on Pranic Healing and brain yoga was conducted for the faculty and students by Ms.Inbavalli and experts from GMCKS Pranic healing centre, Chennai on the day of International Yoga Day celebrations on 21.6.16.

Lecture on “FOOD SECURITY AND FOOD WASTAGE” was delivered by Ms.AKSHA NANAVATI, Founder of Non Profit Organization FEED (A Social Initiative) in view of World food day on the theme “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty “on 16.10.15.

A guest lecture on “Child Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes” was organized for the students and faculties of the Department on 22ndJanuary 2014 between 2 – 4 pm. The Lecture was given by Clinical Nutritionist Lorry Chen, RD from Holland Bloorview, Kids rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Canada.

A guest lecture on organic farming and entrepreneurship by Mr. Jagan, proprietor “Nallakeerai” was organized on the 18th October.

Dr. N. Vasudevan, Professor in Ecology, Center for Environmental Studies, Anna University, delivered a lecture on the theme “Climate is changing, food and agriculture must too”, at the world food day celebrations on 17th October 2016.