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Sentence of the Day


Courses offered
B.Pharm : 4 years (8 Semester) Intake 60 students
• Pharm.D: 6 years, Intake 30 students
• M.Pharm – Pharmacology: 2 years (4 semesters) Intake 18 students
• Ph.D Full time – 3 years/Part time – 4 years
• Integrated Ph.D – 5 years

Training provided
Subject-based practical skills: Various experimental methods used to investigate the actions of drugs both in the intact organism and isolated preparations are being taught
The department is equipped with state of art animal simulator lab for performing animal experimentation (Animal simulator copyrighted to Elseiver).

As per Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
Guidelines issued through Gazette Notification No.10-1/2012- PCI; Dated 25 August 2014 states that “Wherever animal experimentations are prescribed in the curriculum, the required knowledge and skill should be imparted by using computer assisted modules” and is adopted by the department.

Innovative teaching
Problem-based learning (PBL), Project-Based Learning (PJL), Puzzles, Quiz, Group discussion & Drug information chart.