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Sentence of the Day

Mentoring Programme


The mentoring programme followed in SRMC & RI is horizontal mentorship. It is done in 3 phases- Phase I , Phase II, Phase III Part 1 and Phase 3 Part 2. Each phase has approximately 45 to 50 mentors and each mentor has 5 students each per year. Formal meetings between the mentors and mentees are held on an average of 3-4 per year. The mentor –mentee ratio is approximately 1:6

The MEU member who is incharge of the Mentoring program organises the mentor-mentee meeting and oversees the MEU program.

Periodic academic performance is sent to the mentors. Mentorship log book has been introduced which has details of the 5 mentee students and information to be filled. It has provision for recording biannually the academic performance and the overall performance during the year. It also includes details of the extra curricular activities of the mentees. The logbook to be maintained by the mentor and to be submitted at the end of the year.