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Paediatric Nursing

The faculty members of Pediatric Nursing teach the following courses of the University.

Undergraduate programs:
B. Sc Nursing: Child health Nursing
B. Sc Nursing(Post basic)

Paediatric Nursing Postgraduate program:
M.Sc Nursing: Paediatric Nursing
Value based add on courses
Neonatal Nursing
Apart from the specialty; the general subjects like Nursing Education, Nursing Management, Advanced Nursing Practice, Nursing Research Biostatics Nursing dissertation and also ETCT, AHS courses were handled by the faculty members. 

Faculties are periodically trained by University faculty development programme and research workshop. Clinical instructors training program was organized for 6 days from 10.05.2016 to 17.05.2016 for Mrs. Melja Rani.D Ms. AryaNair, Ms.K.Priya, Mrs. S.Saraswathy, Ms.Anisha V and Ms.Gunasundari. 

Student awards
Thirumathi R. Kamalam Udayar Gold Medal is awarded to the student with highest marks in the University Examination in Child Health Nursing in B.Sc.(N) programme.

Dr. Ardith .Z.Doorenbos, University of Washington Gold Medal is awarded for student in highest marks in the University Examination in Child Health Nursing M.Sc. (N) programme. 

The skill lab of the department focuses on improving skill development among students. The required equipments are provided in the learning desk for a student to practice and enhance his / her skill and knowledge component. This self learning strategy is implemented to promote self learning behavior among students. 

The faculty members adopt various methods and innovative teaching strategies like seminars, demonstrations, simulation, clinical presentations, conferences, workshops, projects, and discussions etc. which are of immense benefit to students. The department lab is equipped with mannequins and simulators that help to amalgamate classroom teaching with skill learning successfully. The students are trained in the laboratory and clinical area to acquire skills as per and their compliance is ensured using the competency check list to ensure achievement of the desired learning outcomes.