Biomedical Sciences
Thrust areas for your department
- Dr. Dharmarajan: Cancer Biology, Stem Cell Biology, Wnt Signalling, Angiogenesis, Secreted Frizzled Related Protein-4 (SFRP4), Cancer stem Cell, Cancer Cell Metabolism, Molecular Modelling, Reproductive Endocrinology
- Dr. Sumathy: Obesity, Cancer Biology, Glycobiology, Toxicity studies using in vivo models, Drug induced nephrotoxicity, Cell signalling, Phytotherapy
- Dr. K. Kaviarasan: Proteomics and lipidomics; Ocular biology; Diabetes and its complication.
- Dr. Suresh Kannan: Mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of Neurodegenerative disorders and infertility, Preclinical stem cell models, Alternative medicine in treatment of cancer
- Dr. R. Gnanasambandan: Genetics of Polycystic Kidney Disease; Epidemiology of diabetic nephropathy; Drug efficacy studies on Kidney transplantation
- Dr. Deepa Parvathi: Nanobiotechnology, Drosophila Biology, Immunology, Genetics of human diseases
- Dr. Lakshmi Revathy: Cellular Signalling Networks, Immunity, Non-communicable diseases, Tumor Microenvironment, Cancer Metastasis, Endometriosis
- Ms. R Sumitha: Drosophila Biology, Pharmaceutical biotechnology and Applied Microbiology, Immunology.
- Ms. Lalitha: Phytotherapy research, Molecular targets of diseases in Zebrafish, Cell migration related to wound Inflammation mechanisms in Zebrafish, Fermentation targets in biomedical research, Bioprocessing related research