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Doctor Profile - Dr. P. Viswanathan

Dr. P. Viswanathan


MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine)

Area(s) of Specialization:

Internal Medicine


2.5 Years

Consultation days:

Fourth Saturday
Others Day By Appointment

Consultation Time:

2.00 pm to 4.00 pm

For Appointment, Call:



  • Published a paper titled “An Interesting Case of Upper GI bleed - A Case Report” in The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (Tamil Nadu State Chapter) TAPIJ Sep-Dec 2013
  • Presented a free paper titled “An Interesting Case of  UGI Bleed” at the 68th Annual National Conference of the Association of Physicians of India, APICON 2013, Coimbatore
  • Med E-Journal: An Interesting Case report of rare association of SLE (November - December 2013 Volume - 3 Number - 6)

Other Consultants in General Medicine

General Medicine

Direct: 044-45928578 (8am-4pm)

Board:044 -45928500 Ext.no.426 / 448

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