IGOF. Fellowship Germany-ludington max millan university, Michigan
St.vincentus Hospital Germany
Arthoplasty fellowship DHMC USA
Acetabular Component Positioning in Total Hip Arthroplasty with Transverse Acetabular Ligament Referencing – A CT-Based Study Gokul Raj Dhanarajan, Dipak Ramkumar, Niveditta Ramkumar, et al.Poster presentation at the EFORT Conference 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic
Dual release paracetamol in osteoarthritis of knee: a randomized control trial Yaligod, V., Raj D.G., Sharma, A.B., et al. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Nov; 8(11): LC11-15.
Early active motion protocol following triple Kessler repair for flexor tendon injury Rajappa, S., Menon, P.G., Kumar, M.M., and Raj, D.G. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 2014 Apr; 22(1):96-99
IOSR JDMS – 2013Lateral femoral wall intigerty and Tip apex distance in IT fracture with DHS fixation. Dr. D. Gokul Raj, Dr. T. R. Ashok
Giant cell tumour with intra-articular extension: a case report Dr. Gokul Raj Dhanaraj*, Dr. Siddharth Ramesh Babu, Dr. Balaji Rajendran International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Dhanaraj GR et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Feb;3(2):xxx-xxx
Awards and Honours:
Indo-German Orthopaedic Foundation Travelling Fellowship September 2001 Fellowship under Professor Wolfgang Muschler at Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich, Germany
Travelling Fellowship in Adult Reconstruction Fellowship under Professor Schuler at St. Vincentus Hospital in Karls Ruhe, Germany Fellowship in Revision Replacement course at Dartmouth – Hitchcock Medical Center, USA
Attended the faculty of APAS 2017 “01st Annual conference of Association of Pelvic Acetabular Surgeons” at Jaipur on 24th March 2017 to 26th March 2017