Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics
Clinical focus
Broad area of work-
Conventional treatments rendered
Tooth cavity preparation and restorations.
Anterior and premolar root canal treatment.
Anterior and premolar crown preparation.
Tooth cavity preparation and restorations.
Cast metal restorations.
Root canal treatment.
Crown preparation and placement.
Tooth cavity preparation and restorations.
Anterior and premolar root canal treatment.
Anterior and premolar crown preparation.
Tooth cavity preparation and restorations.
Cast metal restorations.
Root canal treatment.
Crown preparation and placement.
Speciality treatments
Perforation repair
Re-treatment of RCT
Post and core
Treatment using operating microscope
Retrieval of broken instruments
Endodontic micro- surgery
Pulp capping and Apexification
Laser assisted Endodontics
Laser assisted gingivectomy and Crown lengthening
Teeth whitening (Bleaching)
Smile designing and aesthetic makeover
Full mouth rehabilitation
Re-treatment of RCT
Post and core
Treatment using operating microscope
Retrieval of broken instruments
Endodontic micro- surgery
Pulp capping and Apexification
Laser assisted Endodontics
Laser assisted gingivectomy and Crown lengthening
Teeth whitening (Bleaching)
Smile designing and aesthetic makeover
Full mouth rehabilitation
Total space occupied by the department- 20678 sq.ft
State of the art, fully equipped centrally air-conditioned operatory and lab.
Consultation rooms: 3
Treatment rooms: 5
Patient waiting area: 1
Specialty clinics- 2
HOD & Professor rooms-3
Staff room-1
X-ray room-2
Seminar hall- 1
Broadband is available in the dental office and all the PG students and faculties are allowed to use the facility for academic purposes.
Department library space- 225 sq.ft. No. of books- 48
Total space occupied by the department- 20678 sq.ft
State of the art, fully equipped centrally air-conditioned operatory and lab.
Consultation rooms: 3
Treatment rooms: 5
Patient waiting area: 1
Specialty clinics- 2
HOD & Professor rooms-3
Staff room-1
X-ray room-2
Seminar hall- 1
Broadband is available in the dental office and all the PG students and faculties are allowed to use the facility for academic purposes.
Department library space- 225 sq.ft. No. of books- 48