Services Provided
Our Inpatient care is strengthened by a strong multidisciplinary team of sensitized and dedicated nursing staff, State of the art paediatric ICU care and Infection control team.
Our children are treated with holistic care that includes medical treatment, psycho social support, nutritional support. The paediatric oncology department has dedicated dietician, social worker, psycho oncologist and data entry operator.
All the invasive procedures like lumbar puncture (for intrathecal chemotherapy) and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are done under full sedation in ICU to make these procedures pain free.
The expertise of our pediatric surgery team and ICU team in infusa port and PICC line had helped our children to overcome the pain and distress of repeated pricks for IV lines.
We communicate and consult with colleagues across the country, ensuring every child receives the best care possible.
We know that cancer or a blood disorder affects everyone in the family. And we believe that caring for the whole family leads to better outcomes. Hence we concentrate on caring for the emotional needs of cancer patients and their families, offering counseling for the parents and patients and looking into the psychosocial aspects of the other siblings.
Management of each case is discussed in the multi disciplinary tumour board comprising of Pathologists, Pediatric surgeons, Radiologists and Radiation oncologists.
Our state of the art genetic services helps in risk stratification thereby tailoring and individualizing the treatment accordingly.
Our Internationally accredited Blood bank services ensures the safety of all our blood products.
We also have cancer-survivorship clinics, to screen the potential late effects of chemotherapy like hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia and other issues like learning disabilities, low self-esteem that are seen in children who receive a long term chemotherapy.
We also provide palliative care for the rarest tumours / refractory and recurrent tumours.