Clinic Timings
Outpatient Services:
Outpatient Department functions from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Outpatient waiting areas are designed for children, with plenty of toys, and TV display set to children’s programming. There is a separate feeding room for breast feeding. A treatment room with facilities for resuscitation is available in the OutPatient Department (OPD).
The following services are provided in the OPD:
General Peadiatric Outpatient Services For All Medical Problems
- General Peadiatric Outpatient Services For All Medical Problems
- Well baby and Immunization Clinics
- Adolescent Clinic - Mon to sat 8 am to 4pm
- Paediatric Heamatooncology Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 9.30am at E1
- Paediatric Endocrine Clinic - Mon to sat 1pm to 3 pm
- Paediatric Urology Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 2pm
- Paediatric Rheumatology Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 2pm
- Karthikeyan Child Development Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 4pm
- Paediatric Cardiology Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 4pm (By Appointment)
- Paediatric Nephrology Clinic - Tuesday (2pm to 4pm)
- Paediatric Neurology Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 11.00am at A2
- Asthma Clinic - Thursday 4pm to 6 pm
- Under FIVE Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 4pm (By Appointment)
- Genetics - Mon to sat 8am to 4pm (By Appointment)
- PICU Follow-up Clinic - Mon to sat 8am to 4pm (By Appointment)
Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Emergency Consult: 24x7
Inpatient Services: 24 x7
ICU Services: 24 x 7
For Appointments Contact
Name of the Clinic : C block (C2, 2nd floor)
Sri Ramaswamy Udayar Building
Contact Numbers : 044 - 45928581 Ext. 432