Medical Gastroenterology
HOD Profile
1.Study of Serum NT pro –BNP levels in patients with cirrhosis of liver
A Anand , G Ramkumar ,K Muthukumaran ,R Balamurali ,T Rajkumar Solomon , A.Murali ,P.Ganesh, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology –July 2015
2.Study of role of Surface Antigen quantification in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection and predicting its response to treatment
Balaji G, Ramkumar ,K Muthukumaran ,R Balamurali ,T Rajkumar Solomon , A.Murali ,P.Ganesh ,Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology –July 2015
3.LFT monitoring in ATT and the spectrum of Anti-tuberculous Drug Induced liver injury
Vaishnavi Priyaa C ,G Ramkumar ,K Muthukumaran ,R Balamurali ,T Rajkumar Solomon , A.Murali ,P.Ganesh , Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology –July 2015
4.Study of Hepatogenous Diabetes in patients with chronicliver disease Sukumaran S, G Ramkumar ,K Muthukumaran ,R Balamurali ,T Rajkumar Solomon ,A.Murali , P.Ganesh , Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology –July 2015
5.Assessment of Nutritional status in Cirrhosis and to study its impact on Complications
Vishnu Abhishek , G Ramkumar ,K Muthukumaran ,R Balamurali ,T Rajkumar Solomon , A.Murali ,P.Ganesh , Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology –July 2015.
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