Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Clinical focus
Broad area of work
• Routine Treatments Rendered:
- We offer Antenatal , Highrisk Pregnancy , Postnatal, PPIUCD, General Gynaecological, , MTP and Family welfare services all days of the week. Gynaec Endoscopy, NDVH and other surgical procedures are offered on weekdays .
• Government Welfare Schemes:
- Dr Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme
- Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Care Scheme
- IUCD program Under Family Welfare Department
• Specialty Treatments:
- Fetal Medicine unit:A trained team of experienced Ultrasonologists run this unit with inputs from Senior Obstetricians with expertise in dealing with high risk Obstetric Cases. High end USG machines are efficiently utilized to do Specialised Interventional procedures like Amniocentesis, Chorionic villous sampling, cordocentesis, fetal reduction, intra uterine fetal transfusion .
- SCOPE(Sri Ramachandra Centre of Perinatal Excellence ): Fetal medicine unit along with the team of Experienced Neonatologists conducts counseling sessions to both antenatal and postnatal motherswith prenatal and perinatal obstetric complications through SCOPE. The Referring Obstetricians are involved when needed.
- Department has 4 HDU beds with monitor in close vicinity of labour room & OBGYN OT with central O2 and suction .This Unit serves as a step down ICU as well as helps in close monitoring High risk Obstetric & Gynaecology patients
- NICU:The state of the art NICU with its dedicated and experienced team of neonatologists serves extreme pre term babies other than catering to the routine neonatal population.
- Interventional Radiology: Many conservative treatment modalities in dealing with patients with Postpartum Hemorrhage, Fibroid Uterus and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding have been made possible with round the clock services rendered by the Interventional Radiologists
- Oncology services:The Oncology cases are discussed in tumor Boards before arriving at an appropriate treatment method. The economically backward sections are guided to avail the Oncology Services under Tamilnadu Chief Minister Health scheme.
- Multidisiplinary ICUs offers State of the art Intensive Care to the sick and needy
- Multidisciplinary approaches are readily resorted to in all ObGyn cases where indicated to offer a comprehensive approach within a reasonable time frame .
Any accreditation/ award- NABH