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Conferences organized by the department
Conducted CME on INTEGRATED MEDICAL MUSEUM-A NEW PATHWAY on 7th March, 2015 Three credit points awarded for this event. Number of participants-265.
Conducted CME on ‘CROSS SECTIONAL ANATOMY AND CO-RELATED CLINICAL IMAGING’ON 5TH July 2017. 05 credit points awarded for the event by The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. 02 credit points have been awarded by Tamil Nadu medical Council.  Number of Participants for the event – 254.
Conducted 8TH CONFERENCE OF SOCIETY OF CLINICAL ANATOMISTS (SOCA) – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on 8th and 9th February 2019. Pre-conference workshop conducted on Embalming techniques on 7th February 2019. 6  credit points awarded by Tamil Nadu Medical Council. Number of International Speakers : 3 Number of Conference Delegates: 289