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Sentence of the Day


Thrust areas for your department
The anatomy dept has been at the forefront of utilising the MOODLE LMS on the e-governance portal to provide 24 X 7 e-learning support to the students. Various forms of academic content in the form of e-lessons, power point presentations, video lessons are available for the students. Formative assessments like online quizzes and online assessments are routinely conducted on the MOODLE LMS. Most Faculty members of the dept are trained in creation of e-content and MOODLE site administration. All Faculty members have completed basic course in Blended learning conducted by Dept of Medical Education, Sri Ramachandra Medical College.

Formalin Free dissection:
The  Dept of Anatomy has undertaken a revolutionary step of formalin free dissection. Towards this objective, 02 faculty members of the dept underwent training in advanced embalming techniques at the University of Adelaide, Australia. The infrastructure at the dissection hall has been upgraded with Air conditioning units including Energy recovery units and 7 air changes per hour. Cadavers embalmed with formalin free chemicals are stored on storage racks at the state of the art Cadaver Storage Facility.

Cadaver Bioskills Lab :
A highly modern and state of the art Cadaver Bioskills lab has been inaugurated in Dec 2017. Cadaver based Surgical Skills workshops are regularly conducted here which help in refining and honing surgical skills of Practising clinicians and post graduate students in surgical specialities.