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Clinical focus
Academics with clinical focus: 
The competency based medical education insists on both horizontal integration of basic sciences and vertical integration of relevant clinical subjects. Early clinical exposure through integrated learning is facilitated by providing a clinical scenario which is used both as an anchor and link for all the basic science subjects. The case is specifically written to stimulate discussion of basic science concepts and their clinical application. Under graduate students also pay visits to hospital areas such as blood bank, radiology, diabetes clinic, antenatal care etc., urban and rural health centres during their first year to have early clinical exposure. Post graduates undergo clinical postings in various clinical departments for getting oriented with several clinical procedures.

Research with clinical focus:
Research studies on autonomic disturbances in participants with Psoriasis and Diabetes were done and published in high quality Journals. Most of the research projects undertaken by the faculty and post graduates of the department have population health and other clinical outcomes as the thrust areas of the projects. 

Patient Care: 
Autonomic function lab has been established to extend the services of the department for patient care. Yoga laboratory has been established to conduct research in the field of yoga as an intervention which then can be extended to patient care.