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Sentence of the Day

Neuro Radiology

Research focus
Thrust area
We have already performed advanced techniques in the neurovascular diseases such as intracranial stent placement and flow diverters which are among the first in the country. Further, we perform advanced procedures in vascular interventions such as aortic stent grafting for abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, dissections and hybrid procedures.
With recent development and fast paced advances of neurointerventions in ischemic stroke, initiation of stroke unit will enable the SRMC to be in the forefront in the management of acute ischemic strokes.

Project – formed especially
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DEPT AREA: GROUND (6500 sq ft each),  NEW BLOCK (1250 sq ft) , OP BLOCK (1800 sq ft).
CATHLAB : Main Block (1200 sq ft), New Block(1000 sq ft).
Dedicated Dept. library (100 books) with internet  and E-goverence facilities for faculty & residents.

Workshops conducted
RAIN – Ramachandra Advanced Interventional Neuroradiology conference which is attended by international faculty and an educative ground to groom Indian neurointerventionists to advanced procedure techniques.
Faculty and students are actively participating in Physicans conference, Interdepartmental meet, Clinical Society Meetings
Chennai Neuro - intervention meeting
Workshop in Flow Diverter
Faculty involved in Telemedicine projects of the hospital